Thursday 12 December 2019

STEM Challenge

W.A.L.T To problem solve as a team.
Today we made a chair out of paper and tape to try and hold stuffed animals it had to be 10 cm high.
The thing that went well was worked hard as a team and succeeded.
The thing that was challenging was to build the structure to hold the stuffed animals.
If you were there what build would you have done?

Wednesday 11 December 2019

Life cycles!!!

We have been learning to write an explanation about animal life cycles.
We had to do is pick a animal and write an explanation on it we wrote about pandas, frogs and 
What we need in a explanation is sub titles, technical language, title, introduction, factual information and stages.
The thing that went well was doing the technical language because I used female and male.
I need to work on my punctuation  because I keep on forgetting to add it.
Can you name any animals that have life cycles?

 A life cycle of a Tuatara
   Today im going to tell you the 4 stages of a Tuatara
Have you ever wondered how tuataras are boys or girls?

When a female Tuatara lays eggs it makes a hole in the dirt under ground, the female Tuatara lays to 10 to 19 eggs at a time
After when they make a hole in the ground they start to lay there eggs.
When they lay their eggs, if the hole is cold its a male if its hot its a female.

When all the eggs have hatched the mother leaves them and the hatchlings are all on their own.
A baby Tuatara has to get out of the hole and make a journey of its own.

                               True fact
                          A baby Tuatara has
                           A third eye to keep them safe.

For their first 15 years of their life they turn into a Juvenile when they turn into a Juvenile they lose their third eye because their scales grow over it.
The Juvenile has to hunt into the day time but if they dont they will get eaten by the adult Tuatara and the Juvenile doesnt want that does it.
The adult tuatara sleeps during the day and hunt at night.
The adult Tuatara eats beetles, crickets, spiders, frogs, lizards, eggs and birds.
The adult sheds their skin every year. And that's the life cycle of a tuatara.

Friday 29 November 2019

Bridge contest.

Today we did stem and our challenge was to make a bridge out of popsicle sticks.
We are learning to problem solve as a team.
We grabbed 10 little popsicle sticks and 6 big ones and 10 rubber bands. After that we started building.
Our goal was to make a bridge and see if it held 2 books.
What went well. The thing that went well was we worked as a team.
What went bad. The thing that didn't go well was our bridge broke and didn't hold the 2 books.
Our goal for next time is to try and make it work next time.
What would you make if you did it?

Wednesday 20 November 2019

CAN DRIVE!!!!!!!!

In 2019 we are doing a Can drive for the poor.
-Were. New Brighton Catholic.
-Who. People who can't afford enough money/poor
-Why. To help the poor and give them food
 or else they will be very hungry.
-When. Now/2019!!!
so come and down and please go donate 
to our school 
it's not to late go donate now!

Friday 8 November 2019

Save The Sand Dunes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

W.A.L.T to care for the sand dunes.
 Today we went to the beach to learn and care for the sand dunes.
We learnt about what made the sand dunes disappear we did it because if we didn't have sand dunes every thing will be water so that's why we are trying to care for the sand dunes we are also caring for the land and what is in it.
First we learnt about what makes the sand dunes disappear like storms,waves and also people. People wreck the sand dunes by running up and down on the sand dunes its a bit weird to me.
Then we split into 4 groups and we made our own sand dunes it was really fun when we were finished we talked about the things that live on the beach like marran grass sand hoppers pingao sand Beatles and the katipo/spider they sounded like really cool names to me.
After that, we put dry sand on our mini sand dunes after that we put green things to protect our mini sand dunes and put some ladder's on them made out of sticks then we got some dead grass to make it look like it was grass (obviously) and put some seaweed to decorate the mini sand dunes.
Finally we were finished we looked at the other 3 groups lastly we looked at some pictures of other beaches after when storms happened in other country's they were wrecked then we went back to school I like the beach do you?

Wednesday 6 November 2019

surface pressure experiment.

W.A.L.T write a recount, to do this you have to have a:
-intro/introduction/5 W's/what,when,why,who,were.
-main body/time connectors
It went well because I knew the stuff for my Google docs post.
I think I have to work on next time is Capitols because I keep on forgetting!
what would you do if you were there
this is my Google docs story about the surface pressure experiment

The best day ever!

W.A.L.T  do our Best day ever. I'm doing another blog post because 228 people have been on my rosary I'm doing another blog post.
so I did the best day ever the thing that was hard was to think of a best day because it took me 10 minutes to think of a best day ever it was pretty hard.
the easy thing was making my Google docs for my best day ever because I had everything on a piece of paper.
the fun thing was that I'm making a Google blog because I love doing blog posts.
the thing that wasn't fun was doing my best day ever on a book I don't really like writing on books  because I love doing writing on chrome books.
my best day ever was on the beach were was your best day ever and what was it I would like to here it.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

the awesome rosary.

hello today I'm going to tell you how I did my rosary on a Google drawing.
the thing that I liked doing a Google drawing because I get to do  anything on a Google drawing its really fun.
the thing that wasn't fun was trying to remember all the things about the rosary because I forgot some things about the rosary.
the thing that was easy was screen shots of the rosary mystery titles.
the thing that I didn't like was I had to make two Google drawings and I'm a bit lazy if you where me.
If I had the chance to do this again I would change some things.
anyway what would you do if you had the chance to make a story about the rosary and what thing would you type on a Google drawing Google slide or a Google docs and defently comment on this blog.

Friday 18 October 2019

what church means to us.

today I have been writing about what church means to us and I did a video of what church means to us.
the easy thing was to do the writing because forgot to wright the rest of it

Monday 23 September 2019

How to zoom in on your chrome book.

Its kind of weird but I'm doing another How to zoom in on your chrome book.
this time I'm doing a video the video was really exciting  I just love making videos.
So the fun thing was making the video because I love being on camera. The hard thing was to make the video because people walked in my video it took me 6 times to do it.
so that's why it was fun and hard so when you watch this video what thing did you like?
I would like to here it. my Goal for next time is... use different words for my writing.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

How to zoom in on your chrome book.

So today we were learning to write
The things that you need to write instructions are
- A title
- Goal
- Equipment
-  Method
- bossy verbs.

The hard thing to get a picture for my writing, it was hard because the way to get a picture on the chrome book was hard.The easy thing was the story because I had the story in my mind.
Have you ever made instructions for somebody?

Friday 6 September 2019

escape room challenge

today at room 4 we were doing a escape room challenge. me and my group were  trying to figure out the clues that the teacher put for us. we got a clue and we look at the space that we thought the clues were.
we finally found some clues and put them together but we were missing some.
we looked some places but we only found 2 ´and it was morning tea so some of us just went to our classes so I went to morning tea as well. the hard thing was to find the clues. The easy thing was to figure out the clues. my goal is to do the whole challenge.

what would you do if  you were trapped in a room?

Tuesday 3 September 2019


-my picture
Today in room 4 we are trying to match things with other people. I budded up with Bryce and we tried to make the same picture. We gave each other
-Bryce's picture
instructions to try and get the same picture. It was hard by we didn't no were to put the picture and the angles so we just guessed were to put it. The easy thing was the banana bananas are easy to draw.
I love drawing do you?

Friday 30 August 2019


at stem we have been doing activities and we have to solve this week room 2 and us had to build a building out of straws. we all were in groups. my group was doing well our straw tower was always failed it keeps on falling but we keeped on trying and in 10 minutes we did it. it was little but we did it. we came 4th place. the tallest was bigger than the ruler but they came 2nd because they were building under the time and they were not standing. the 1st place they were 8 meters they got it under the time and there straw building was still standing.
i really like stem challenges because there fun!
  i hope you liked the blog and what have you built in your life?

how you get angry

do you no how we get angry?
well this is how you get angry.
so when your not angry your bottom bit and the top bit of your brain are still in contact right.
but when they explode they can't contact each other and that's were you flip your lid.
flipping your lid is like your hands exploding.
so when you flip your lid you run away stand perfectly still or fight.
so to calm down you could talk to somebody play stuff you like and to play with your friends.
what time have you got angry? and what makes you calm down?
and please comment please! 

Wednesday 28 August 2019

exciting adventures.

Walt for the past week we have been doing narrative writing about some pictures.
the pictures were called the mirror the great escape and the tomb.
to make a quality story you need a introduction describe the characters the setting and write the solution.
i did that by making a describing the characters making the introduction the setting and the solution.
we used pobble 365 to find these pictures.
i enjoyed putting and finding the pictures and writing the story.
the hard thing was trying to make a good story.
to make a good story its harder than you think you have to have a introduction setting the solution and  describing the characters.
my next step is to make my ending more interesting.
i´m going to do this by adding more excitement and more cooler words.
what i would like to write next time is to make another Pokemon story ( i like Pokemon )
what do you like about my story?

enjoy my story itś called...

The mirror!

It was a dark stormy night and Matias was watching some moves.
he had brown hair and he loved exploring.
Zeb came to Matias's house to play.
Zeb has blond hair and he loves looking for stuff.
One day they were exploring some abandoned wood and they found a cabin.
You no what I'm thinking.
Said Matias. yep. said Zeb.
So the two boys went into the cabin.
When they go inside the mouldy cabin the two boys assumed the cabin
was abandoned.
When they went further they saw a creepy mirror.
Mirror mirror on the wall who's the greatest of them all.
Said Zeb. Matias said the mirror.
Aw come on. errr Zeb that's  cool and all but aren't you scared.
errr why. It's a talking mirror!!! arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
said Zeb
They ran as fast as they could and never went back
into the abandoned wood again. 

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Trip to the museum.

We are going to the mysterious magical museum.
At first I thought we where going to work the whole... trip.
When we got of the bus we went into the museum still hearing the bus screeching behind us.
So we put our bags in a secret cabinet we sat down to listen to the man in front of us' he said his name  was Anthony he tourt us about the arctic. Then he said to wright about an animal that was in this exhibit so we did. I chose the narwel. Then we had play time which is my favourite bit at school. Then we had a scavenger hunt and our group found all the things!!! I loved the trip to the museum do you?

Friday 5 July 2019


We have been learning to describe a character to do this you need to say what look like, and describe, and what they do so I did Mew and it was pretty  hard to describe the character, and I enjoyed getting the picture, and I improved by putting more describing words, and I hope you like it. Which bit do you like???

Friday 21 June 2019

Blazing Holy Spirit.

We have been learning about the Holy Spirit/Te wawua Tapu.
The Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity.
Tongue of pine came upon the disciples.
Penticost is the birth of the church.

All about me!!!

Hello my name is zeb and I will tell you A little bit about my life.
First of all I have got A gloris blond haircut if I say so myself. I have got A amazing personality.
I have got 12 pets nearlly 13 now. And I love running along with biking swiming and playing games.
I allways play girl's and boy's. And thats what I know about me!!!

Friday 7 June 2019


We have been doing persuasive  writing about our adbmatisement's and it was  really fun. We did it because we wanted to sell our toys ( not archly ) my second reason is we wanted to people to like the toy. My third reason is it's just fun!!!! And it needs to be existing. The hard thing is the video was really hard to make it took me 20 tries what do like about the video. What Do you like about the video???
                                                               ENJOY the VIDEO!!!

cool statistics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have been learning about statistics and I will tell you all about it.

BSo we learned about A  A pictogram and A tallychart A bargragh is A chart that gives you infomation about whatever we put on it. A pictogram has heaps of lines and  put the drawings on it to gather infomation. And my last one is A tallychart A tallychart is when you got lines stright down and  across and I really loved drawing because it's fun. The hard thing was learning everything about it. The other thing I want to learn is there any other charts. Do you like chart's?

Friday 24 May 2019

The lane man.

we have been learning about the holy spirit. And about the mircles
This is my video I made about it ENJOY.

Thursday 28 March 2019

Welcome to my Blog

Haere Mai, Talofa Lava, Mālō e Lelei , Maligayang Pagdating and welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.