Wednesday 28 August 2019

exciting adventures.

Walt for the past week we have been doing narrative writing about some pictures.
the pictures were called the mirror the great escape and the tomb.
to make a quality story you need a introduction describe the characters the setting and write the solution.
i did that by making a describing the characters making the introduction the setting and the solution.
we used pobble 365 to find these pictures.
i enjoyed putting and finding the pictures and writing the story.
the hard thing was trying to make a good story.
to make a good story its harder than you think you have to have a introduction setting the solution and  describing the characters.
my next step is to make my ending more interesting.
i´m going to do this by adding more excitement and more cooler words.
what i would like to write next time is to make another Pokemon story ( i like Pokemon )
what do you like about my story?

enjoy my story itś called...

The mirror!

It was a dark stormy night and Matias was watching some moves.
he had brown hair and he loved exploring.
Zeb came to Matias's house to play.
Zeb has blond hair and he loves looking for stuff.
One day they were exploring some abandoned wood and they found a cabin.
You no what I'm thinking.
Said Matias. yep. said Zeb.
So the two boys went into the cabin.
When they go inside the mouldy cabin the two boys assumed the cabin
was abandoned.
When they went further they saw a creepy mirror.
Mirror mirror on the wall who's the greatest of them all.
Said Zeb. Matias said the mirror.
Aw come on. errr Zeb that's  cool and all but aren't you scared.
errr why. It's a talking mirror!!! arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
said Zeb
They ran as fast as they could and never went back
into the abandoned wood again. 

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