Friday, 27 November 2020

Thank you!!!!!

This Thank you is for the people at the Library we made a thank you card for them and here it is.

Dear Sam,

 Thank you for letting us play with the Lego and teaching us about New Zealand birds. We built the Kiwi for our build. I thought it was really good, Matias was the builder. Fox, Alex, and I got him the pieces.  I loved when we learnt about the New Zealand birds and playing with the Lego at the Lego pit.  

From Zeb

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Terrific Trip!

 On Thursday me and room 2 went on a trip to the museum, library and Margret May-he.

It was increadable first at the museum we learnt about Mouri games that were played hundreds of years ago.

I thought at first I thought it would be difficult and boring, but surprisingly they were so fun.

First game was a game that you had five dark rocks and five light rocks. (dark rocks go first) then you had to move around a rock and try to block the other player.

You could move all the rocks around because there was a gap and you could move your rock to the gap in the middle. (only 2 players)

I won two times  Matias didn't even win once against me.

After that ended my group made our own game we made out of natural materiel

We ended up with a good game the rules are you get one shell each and the person has to slide it to the rock closest shell next to the rock wins if you touch the rock with the shell it doesn't count. (up to 5 players and less)

Then we played games that were at least in the 1800 they had marbles, knuckle bones,  yo-yo, checkers, a zoetrope, dolls and snakes and ladders.

My favourite game of them all is the marbles why you might ask its because im a marble collector and I love playing the different types of marble games there just so entertaining.

I had a try at knuckle bones and im going to tell you one thing It Is Hard it takes you some real skill to do it all.

After that we walked to the library.

We had to do a Lego challenge the challenge was we had to make a bird that was in New Zealand.

Me and my group chose the obvious solution we chose a Kiwi 

Matias was the builder and me Alex Fox were to go find some Lego pieces for Matias, Matias was a very talented builder so I didn't worry at all. 

After we were done the Kiwi looked brilliant it had a baby Kiwi and a egg.

As for the prize it was a sticker I didn't care I worked hard for that sticker and I deserve it.

Guess what happened after five minutes I loose it it was because I was focusing on a building me Anya Fox Alex and a few other random people that helped us.

It was nearly bigger then me! 

After that we went to Margret Mayhe It was a blast!!

Literally it was amazing I went on the Giant  slide I went on the thing that spins sideways and I kept on doing rolly pollys.

I had an amazing time if you did this how would you feel?

How to be serving / Biteable

 Hello everybody welcome to my blog we are learning to be serving.

And I made a Biteable out of it I hope you like!!!

Headphones WARNING! music is loud.

Here is my Biteable!

Wednesday, 25 November 2020


 Hello everybody today for reading we are learning about the Tasmanian devil.

We had to write 5 facts about the Tasmanian devil but I wrote 6 just because there was something true at the end you guys probably didnt know about.

But anyway here it is hope you like it!

P.s (I think they are really cute)

1 They are about the size of a small dog.

2 They eat their children.

3 They can be found in Tasmania


4 They make dens or nests in burrows, hollow logs, or in small caves.

5  The devil's head is big for the size of the rest of its body.

6 THEY ARE DEVILS!!! Because they make this ear screeching noise that haunts your dreams.

Friday, 20 November 2020

Mary diary entry.

 So we today we had to do a blog post about one of Marys adventures.

And I chose Jesus getting lost at the temple but we did it in a diary form.

P.s why would Mary have a diary in the first was she just lonely... anyway here it is!   ϋ

Dear Diary.

Oh My Gosh

I was Soooooo worried we lost Jesus today at the


I was so tired and worried we found him praying

next to the wall.

We told him off for walking off like that and we

walked back to our house.

It was weird that he walked off like that, it's

like someone told him to!

Musty Masks!

 Today for Topic we made masks.

We made with hair ties and fabric it was really easy.

since I love dogs so much I made a dog mask and it looks good

Be honest do you like it or not give me your opinion plz!

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

International Night

Yesterday we had international night.
 We chose Switzerland and India and we preformed a dance for each country the dances were The Lonely Goatheard from The Sound of Music and Chunnari Chunnari.I was pretty nervous at the time but then when we got out there with my friends we were amazing both songs.

I liked both songs I couldn't decide which was better but our whole class was amazing. I was kind of sad that we didn't make in time for the food but I didn't care.

If you did something like this how would you feel?