Friday 29 November 2019

Bridge contest.

Today we did stem and our challenge was to make a bridge out of popsicle sticks.
We are learning to problem solve as a team.
We grabbed 10 little popsicle sticks and 6 big ones and 10 rubber bands. After that we started building.
Our goal was to make a bridge and see if it held 2 books.
What went well. The thing that went well was we worked as a team.
What went bad. The thing that didn't go well was our bridge broke and didn't hold the 2 books.
Our goal for next time is to try and make it work next time.
What would you make if you did it?

Wednesday 20 November 2019

CAN DRIVE!!!!!!!!

In 2019 we are doing a Can drive for the poor.
-Were. New Brighton Catholic.
-Who. People who can't afford enough money/poor
-Why. To help the poor and give them food
 or else they will be very hungry.
-When. Now/2019!!!
so come and down and please go donate 
to our school 
it's not to late go donate now!

Friday 8 November 2019

Save The Sand Dunes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

W.A.L.T to care for the sand dunes.
 Today we went to the beach to learn and care for the sand dunes.
We learnt about what made the sand dunes disappear we did it because if we didn't have sand dunes every thing will be water so that's why we are trying to care for the sand dunes we are also caring for the land and what is in it.
First we learnt about what makes the sand dunes disappear like storms,waves and also people. People wreck the sand dunes by running up and down on the sand dunes its a bit weird to me.
Then we split into 4 groups and we made our own sand dunes it was really fun when we were finished we talked about the things that live on the beach like marran grass sand hoppers pingao sand Beatles and the katipo/spider they sounded like really cool names to me.
After that, we put dry sand on our mini sand dunes after that we put green things to protect our mini sand dunes and put some ladder's on them made out of sticks then we got some dead grass to make it look like it was grass (obviously) and put some seaweed to decorate the mini sand dunes.
Finally we were finished we looked at the other 3 groups lastly we looked at some pictures of other beaches after when storms happened in other country's they were wrecked then we went back to school I like the beach do you?

Wednesday 6 November 2019

surface pressure experiment.

W.A.L.T write a recount, to do this you have to have a:
-intro/introduction/5 W's/what,when,why,who,were.
-main body/time connectors
It went well because I knew the stuff for my Google docs post.
I think I have to work on next time is Capitols because I keep on forgetting!
what would you do if you were there
this is my Google docs story about the surface pressure experiment

The best day ever!

W.A.L.T  do our Best day ever. I'm doing another blog post because 228 people have been on my rosary I'm doing another blog post.
so I did the best day ever the thing that was hard was to think of a best day because it took me 10 minutes to think of a best day ever it was pretty hard.
the easy thing was making my Google docs for my best day ever because I had everything on a piece of paper.
the fun thing was that I'm making a Google blog because I love doing blog posts.
the thing that wasn't fun was doing my best day ever on a book I don't really like writing on books  because I love doing writing on chrome books.
my best day ever was on the beach were was your best day ever and what was it I would like to here it.